Building & deepening
interspiritual relations
across the field of Yoga.

Through dialogue,
charting its landscape
& exchange of practices.

Bringing together all types, methods, traditions, lineages & cultures.

The Interyogic Institute seeks to unite leaders from all corners of the Yogic field. 

From Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jñana Yoga & Karma Yoga to Mantra Yoga, Nada Yoga and other types of Yoga.

Across all religious backgrounds, traditions, lineages, methods and approaches. 

And coming from everywhere: from India & the Himalayas to all the cardinal directions of the globe.

Through dialogue, charting & exchange of methods.

Even among brothers and sisters differences exist. Yet they  form a single family. All families can develop their harmony. So can the spiritual family that is the field of Yoga.

At the Interyogic Institute we aim to grow & forge mutual understanding and friendship across differences.

We do this by bravely engaging in interyogic dialogue. Respectful of each other. Maintaining our own integrity, yet listening to the other, mutually sharing, with an open heart.

By together charting an overview of our field. By answering and asking questions: What similarities and differences exist? What variations exist in views, methods & approaches?

And through exchanging methods. Practising together, learning from each other.